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Lovely walks on Mt Lykkabettus

Mt Lykkabettus is an ideal place to take long, leisurely walks with your friends and pets, or even to sit on a park-bench and read. Thanks to the Friends of Mt Lykkabettus association, it is a location rich with lush vegetation, tall trees and great paths, perfect throughout the year. There are now also set paths for joggers, and good lighting at night.

Pangrati - Rise and Fall

This morning, at 8am sharp, Angelike was awoken by the sound of jackhammers. She writes: "It looks like this old Barnava Square home is being jackhammered to death. Boo!"

Angelike continues..."The same morning, round 8.30am, while walking the dog, I admired this little home, a few blocks away, which is being lovingly- and probably expensively- preserved the past few months. The lesson, as the Beastie Boys say, "It takes a second to kill. It takes time to build."

Thanks to Angelike Contis